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Spread the Love

The Spread the Love movement is a way and community for people to stop hate and negativity.

So what's this movement?
Well this it a movement to stop hate. No hate will never stop, but as a person who has experienced hate, there is a series of ways to deal with it. Ignore it, and let it continue. Fight back and make it worse. Fight back and encourage the hater more. Fight back and become the hater. And so much more. Truth is that we have all been a hater at once. I admit I was talked about people as well as the next person. Therefore, we need to try to change.

What's the point?
There's a difference between hate, honesty, your opinion and the freedoms of speech. Yes, you may speak freely, but beware you words have backlash. Words are easily twisted and turned. You maybe defending your self but instead make it worse.

How to help?
Spread positivity. And I don't mean be nice to the person you hate or help your community. I mean, spread positivity through yourself. Change yourself not anyone else. If anything, show someone your ways, talk, communicate. If someone says your ugly, tell yourself that your pretty. If they are negative, don't let it affect you, think positive.

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